
Friday, October 05, 2007


Of all the lame-brained nonsense coming from the Bush White House, his veto of the S-CHIP measure to provide health insurance to children from low-income families, has got to be among the most inexplicable. Nearly three quarters of all Americans—Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike—support S-CHIP, but Bush vetoed it anyway.

Bush's reason for defying American voters is that the bill offended his neo-conservative belief in profit-motivated private health insurance, regardless of whether people can afford it. Sound harsh? remember that Bush once declared that children whose parents couldn't afford private health insurance could always be taken to emergency rooms for treatment.

This bill was not, despite Bush's claims, a step toward national health care in America. I wish it was. But I continue to believe that the children of poor and working class parents shouldn't be made to suffer while the larger debate over healthcare rages on.

Meanwhile, Bush gets hundreds of billions of dollars to fund his Iraq war, but refuses to spend money on sick children. Glad he has his priorities so in order.


d said...

I am shocked - SHOCKED - that a man who claims to be a 'man of the people' and who speaks so simply so that the 'regular person' can understand him (and eh probably voted for him) is so uncaring about the people who very likely put him in office.

Guess they wish now that they had voted for the "boring" guys who are intelligent and caring, eh?

I would say that I can only hope it will all turn around with the next election, but I've run out of hope for the US (and thus live here).

Arthur Schenck said...

I have to admit, I'm becoming increasingly pessimistic that it's even possible to undo the damage that the Bushies have done to America. I'm not even sure the leading politicians want to try.